I started off designing this company on my maternity leave because I know how expensive babies are and I needed to find extra income that didn’t conflict with my day job and hopefully was easy to do in the evenings.
I was overwhelming happy with how well my first kickstarter went. I am excited to be sending off the product to manufacturing and I’m already working on more awesome ideas to bring to the market for sale.
I wanted to focus on nerdy gifts and easily shippable items because our world seems to be moving in an e-commerce movement. Instead of brick and mortar stores where you might have to physically travel to I’m able to reach all around the world with my friends and my designs.
I hope you enjoy all the products we are going to bring and please let us know if there is anything you’ve been dying to see created but they just haven’t done it yet!
Good company in a journey makes the way seem shorter. — Izaak Walton
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