We’re pleased to announce Dragon’s Digest, the Little Dragon Corp blog. This is where we will post updates about our store and news from around the dice/tabletop world. We’ll also showcase different dice sets of our own creation and we’ll be sharing the stories behind them. Dragon’s Digest will also be a spot for fun dice facts and will give you insight into the lesser-known scientific aspects of dice gaming.
We’re also looking to feature character profiles of player-characters sent in by our readers—that’s you! If you’ve ever wanted more people to know about your character and the incredible adventures they have been on, you’ll have the chance to share them with the Little Dragon Corp community. The details about the submission process will be available on Dragon’s Digest once we’re ready to accept submissions.
Dragon’s Digest is managed by Sebastian, who is our resident blogger. They are a writer, model, and fledgeling voice actor based in Toronto. Sebastian is an avid tabletop gamer and is the author of Lake of Secrets, which is a mystery-driven dungeon crawl for D&D 5e. They contributed two adventures to the Chilling Tales from the Whispering Wind anthology (coming soon to DMs Guild), which contains stories appropriate for the Icewind Dale setting that are a race against time.
We’re excited to launch this blog and we can’t wait to delight you with our posts.
In the meantime, we hope you’re keeping well and staying safe.
Be sure to check back here for next week’s blog post, which shows off some of our favourite spooky dice sets for Hallowe’en!
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